Speel Mee!

Speel Mee!

Every summer a super fun activity week for all kids from Uithoorn and its environs is organised by foundation Speel Mee Uithoorn. Every year this is made possible by our fantastic volunteers and sponsors!

Foto van een jongentje
Speelmee logo

What is Speel Mee?

Speel Mee (which translates roughly to “come play together with us”) is a foundation that organizes a week of activities for kids currently in elementary school groups 3 to 8 (about 6 to 12 years old) from Uithoorn and its environs. Once per year during the last week of the school's summer vacation we will organize a different adventure each day. All kinds of activities will be prepared, like building wooden huts, performing in theatre workshops, a children's fair and much more!

Speel Mee 2024

Back in 1972 the first preparations were made for a program of back then 2 weeks for the children of Uithoorn and the Kwakel.

We've recently had our 50th successful year of Speel Mee and we're working hard to make this year the 52nd!

This year the last week of the school's summer vacation will fall on Monday the 26th of August till Friday the 30th of August. Our planned program is already online for viewing, click HERE to jump to it!

Alterations or additions to a previous registration can ONLY be done through the official email.


Speel Mee will be organized for the 52nd time this year. Registration costs will be €8.00 per day, with the option to register your child for the whole week for just €35.-, which is a 12.5% discount! You can register up until Saturday the 24th of August, after which the payments will be checked. If you still want to register after this date, please contact us via phone (contact details available further down the page).

Alterations or additions to a previous registration can ONLY be done through the official email: info@speelmeeuithoorn.nl.

Due to the many children that register every year, the foundation is forced to apply a maximum to the amount of participants. This maximum amount of children is, among other reasons, depending on the amount of (adult) supervision available that day. Full is full though, no matter how difficult it is to say no. No one wants an unsafe environment for the kids already present due to a lack of staff.

Speaking of staff, you can apply as volunteer today so we can all give even more kids a fun day!

Want to sponsor us or apply as a volunteer?

We are always looking for sponsors willing to support us in making a spectacular week for the kids. This can be done in the form of a financial or material support. Materials like small prizes for the children’s fair, snacks for the children or the supervising staff, or materials that can be used for activities like building wooden huts and the workshops creative, where lots of small crafts will be made.

---Become a financial Sponsor---

---Material Support---

To make this a successful week, we need volunteers daily to supervise the kids and for other odd jobs, like preparing lunch or setting up the next game. Are you 15 years or (much) older and want to help one or more days? Then click HERE or visit the page Registration and select [Volunteer].


Click on a sponsor for more information

Careca Verhuur & Events Ter Aar

EHBO vereniging Uithoorn

Goudreinet Uithoorn

Krijtenberg Hifi met IQ

E-launch Internet Services

Cafetaria Friends

Sigma Coatings Uithoorn


Praktijkschool Uithoorn

Muziekvereniging KNA Uithoorn

Burgermeester Kootfonds


Praxis Uithoorn


Mailing address:
Wederik 74
1422 MK Uithoorn


Phone number:
+31 6 14646643

Mobile number:
+31 6 40593418 (Joran Tibor de Jong)
KvK number:
Bank account number:
NL24 RABO 0346 7063 35